The hits keep coming for Richard Cordray.
As I wrote a couple weeks ago, the attempt to dethrone Chris Redfern as Chairman of the ODP was nothing more than a fight between the Cordray and Strickland camps of the party.
For those not paying attention, Team Cordray really embarrassed themselves once the votes were counted and Redfern/Strickland easily won in a landslide. To make matters worse, Democrat county chairman across the state were speaking on the record about Cordray’s blundered attempt to take over the state party.
Today, Brent Larkin wrote an article that describes Team Cordray’s failure and the isolation that Cordray is likely to feel from Democrats throughout Ohio as a result.
Although his people claim he wasn’t involved, anyone that thinks Richard Cordray didn’t have a hand in this effort isn’t living in reality. These were his people, led by his closest aide, actively trying to knock off Redfern and clear a path for Cordray to run in 2014.
It certainly doesn’t help his cause when reporters from the Plain Dealer are calling him “a lousy politician.’ Those who might have previously disagreed with that statement might be singing a different tune after the debacle that was Cordray’s coup attempt.
The Cordray style of political organizing is what one might expect from a middle school student council race, not a candidate for Governor.
The bottom line is that Richard Cordray is boxed into a corner. The Strickland camp is in control and is going to keep chipping away at him until he can’t run in 2014. Tim Ryan, another potential candidate, has already fallen in line behind Strickland and Ed Fitzgerald in Cleveland isn’t known by anyone outside Cuyohoga County.
I can’t fathom why Democrats want Strickland to be their standard bearer again (OHIO LOST 400,000 JOBS UNDER HIS WATCH!) but that’s definitely fine with me.
It’s kind of a bummer for Richard Cordray though. He’s now put himself on the outside looking in.
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