Guest post by Jenny Engel
It is no secret that President Obama is struggling with a record to run on. One of his biggest “achievements” is Obamacare, or more commonly known, thanks to SCOTUS, as a really big tax.
However, in 2011, President Obama and his campaign strategists worst nightmare became a reality. Ohio sent a very clear message:
President Obama, keep your hands off our healthcare!
Issue 3, Ohio’s Healthcare Freedom amendment, made it apparent that Ohioans will not stand for overreaching government healthcare takeovers. That doesn’t bode well for Obama’s re-election chances in Ohio.
Mitt Romney has vowed to repeal Obamacare. Which, if you talk with doctors, would be the best thing that could happen. At a recent visit to my doctor, he told me “this is the biggest mistake America has made.”. I politely reminded him that America did not decide this, the President and the Democrats are responsible. To which he replied “We must win the Presidency. It is critical to the future of our country’s healthcare.”
For Democrats to think this issue is not an advantage to the Romney campaign makes them delusional. Just as delusional as Obama thinking he can implement this law by 2014.
The Obama campaign has to be concerned. With Issue 3 passing overwhelmingly in every county, the
Democrats are delusional if they think Ohioans support Obamacare. If targeted correctly, the Romney campaign can pick up some independents and Democrats who are dissatisfied with the controversial law. In a recent article on, Chris Maloney, a Romney campaign operative, stated that “Ohio independents and moderate Democratic voters now view electing Mitt Romney as the only means by which this national health care tax will be repealed.”
Mr. Maloney is right. We must defeat Obama to stop Obamacare and the rest of his liberal policies, and to make this country great again. Make sure you get involved to make it happen.