On March 20th, the eve of a possible arrest, the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County issued a statement that condemned the news of a politically motivated prosecution of President Trump by New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg, applauded Senator JD Vance, Congressman Max Miller and Congressman Jim Jordan for speaking out early on this matter and challenged other elected officials in Ohio to do the same. The Republican Party of Hamilton County responded to the challenge by issuing a similar statement and further calling on other elected officials in Ohio to speak out on the issue.
The statement from Cuyahoga County reads:
Disturbing news circulated over the weekend that George Soros-funded New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg might be on the verge of bringing charges against President Donald J. Trump.
Our nation was founded as a nation of laws, and the rule of law is what sets America apart. Weaponizing law enforcement against political rivals is a tactic used by tin-pot dictatorships. The tactic has no place in America. It is crucial that we have a judicial system that all Americans can trust. Make no mistake: bringing politically motivated charges against a former President will severely undermine that confidence and send a chilling effect through the entire system.
With crime out of control in New York, it is baffling that Bragg has focused his attention on President Trump rather than on keeping the people of New York City safe.
We applaud Senator JD Vance, Congressman Max Miller and Congressman Jim Jordan for speaking out early on this matter and call on our other elected official in Ohio to do the same.
Hamilton County GOP responds to the challenge by issuing a similar statement:
This is very disturbing news that the George Soros-funded New York City District Attorney is on the verge of bringing charges against Donald J. Trump.
Our Republic was founded upon the notion that we are a Nation of Laws and the Rule of law is what sets America apart from the rest of the world. Weaponizing law enforcement against political rivals is a tactic long used by dictators to control and suppress the free will of the people. This tactic has no place in America. Make no mistake: bringing politically motivated charges against a former President will undermine our confidence in the judicial system and will send a chilling effect through the entire country.
With crime out of control in cities like New York, it is unconscionable that the Soros-funded prosecutor is focusing his attention on President Trump rather than keeping the people of New York safe. We commend the Republicans in Congress for speaking out early on this issue and call on all our other elected officials in Ohio to do the same.
Who else will speak out?
Who else will accept the challenge and speak out on the weaponization of the judicial branch that has resulted in a two-tiered system that protects Democrats and unfairly punishes Republicans and Conservatives? We are watching and waiting.