“Well, he is apparently very frustrated. He has decided not to run again. And I don’t mind him taking out his frustrations on me.
“But the fact is, if you look at the southerners, a lot of our elected leadership, like Lamar Alexander, John Cornyn, I mean, these folks are southerners and we’ve got probably the most constructive working members of the Senate, Johnny Isakson, Saxby Chambliss.
“You look at Richard Burr, these are all contributing people. They’re certainly not hurting the party right now. But, Wolf, the point I’ve been trying to make is Maine doesn’t have to be like South Carolina or like California.”
Well said.
You just know Wolf Blitzer at CNN and all of MSNBC were praying for an OHHH SNAP! moment, and they didn’t get one.
Even more importantly, DeMint’s final point hits the nail on the head. Politics is local. What’s important is not speaking in one voice(or one accent), it’s doing what’s right on behalf of your constituents.
On a sidenote, I’ve been incredibly impressed with Sen. DeMint since he went to the Senate in 2005. Honestly, I’m a bit surprised. Back when I worked on the Hill I recall watching him in hearings when he was in the House and coming away less than impressed. Clearly he has surrounded himself with great staff and has stuck true to his belief system.
Keep it up, Jim.