South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint is chairman of the Senate Conservatives Fund. His PAC was enormously successful last cycle in propelling 5 genuine conservatives to victory in the US Senate.
Most noteable of them, in my opinion, is Marco Rubio from Florida. In the previous cycle, Florida’s Senate race was for an open seat. The Republican establishment quickly threw its support behind FL Governor Charlie Crist. But early in the contest, SCF endorsed and supported Rubio, who was the former Speaker of the Florida House.
Early on, Crist crushed Rubio in the primary polls. But DeMint’s endorsement brought attention and more importantly, donations to Rubio from around the country (including from yours truly). We all know the end result. Rubio ended up beating Crist in fundraising and eventually beating him for the GOP nomination and general election as well.
I, and all of SCF’s donors and members, received an exciting email today. DeMint is targeting Sherrod Brown. He’s bringing nationwide attention to this swing state with the most liberal Senator.
You may have heard of Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), the most liberal Senator. He recently made national headlines when he compared those of us who oppose unchecked union power to Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.
Now, Sherrod Brown is attacking those of us who oppose raising the debt limit without passage of the Balanced Budget Amendment. He said we “want to govern by ideology.”
Our nation’s debt is over $14 trillion and skyrocketing, but Sherrod Brown believes it’s extreme to demand Congress balance its budget. What he fails to recognize is that stopping the debt is not a matter of ideology, it’s a matter of national survival.
In my opinion, Josh Mandel is almost certain to be the GOP nominee, for several reasons.
- It appears that he will be the first into the race. This will give him momentum.
- Between Mandel and possible primary opponent Ken Blackwell, the Ohio Republican Party would almost certainly endorse Mandel. Blackwell is popular with Ohio’s conservative base, but not the establishment. The ORP endorsement in a primary is a huge advantage.
- Other popular GOPers that have been mentioned, like Jim Jordan, now appear not to be entering the race.
- With his youth, energy and military service going for him, he has a level of excitement going for him now, that other potential candidates, like Mary Taylor or Kevin Coughlin, just can’t match
Josh is conservative enough to earn SCF’s full endorsement. With the news yesterday that he has hired the same fundraiser that DeMint uses, and this news update from DeMint’s PAC coming just a day later, I’m beginning to suspect that DeMint has already reached out to Josh, or vice versa.
I’m confident that a courageous, constitutional conservative can defeat Sherrod Brown, and I’m confident we will have one to support in this race. But we need to start banking resources now to defeat him.
Ohio is a swing state so winning won’t be easy or cheap. Voters in the Buckeye State need to know what Sherrod Brown has been doing in Washington. They need to know that he routinely votes for more government at the expense of their jobs and their freedoms.
That’s why I’m writing to you today. We want to raise $500,000 to implement a program designed to educate Ohio voters about Sherrod Brown’s reckless spending. Independent voters especially need to know how he’s fighting against them at every turn.
We will need a lot of resources to take down Sherrod Brown. We already know that Josh is a terrific fundraiser and a tireless worker. If we also have nationwide conservatives pouring money into the race, I really like our chances of ridding ourselves of the Senate’s most liberal member.