And we have the first staff casualty for Ohio Democrats following the disastrous rollout of Ed FitzgÉrald’s former runningmate, Eric Kearney. From the Plain Dealer:
A researcher assigned to Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald’s campaign for governor is moving on, the Ohio Democratic Party confirmed Wednesday.
“We’re sad to see Pat Dennis leave, but he’s transitioning on to be the head of a national research team — a once in a lifetime opportunity that will put him at the forefront of the battle surrounding the White House and beyond,” said Jerid Kurtz, the state party’s communications director. “Pat will continue on with our team for the next one to two months as we increase the size and scope of our research operation.”
The party did not disclose where Dennis is heading.
Ohio Democrats denied that Dennis’ departure was anyway associated with the Kearney disaster, but the writing is on the wall. Dennis was the guy responsible for digging in to Kearney’s background—the first step in the vetting process. And now he’s leaving the party, and Democrats aren’t saying where he’s headed?
Yea, he was definitely let go.
Fitzy’s campaign needed a fall guy, and they’re trying to pin it on Dennis is the nicest way possible. It’s all about damage control after one of the worst displays of political incompetence in recent memory—so bad, in fact, that national political pundit Larry Sabato agreed with us in calling it nothing short of “amateur hour.”
This is just the latest move in what has become a complete circus surrounding Ohio Democrats and their island of misfit candidates.
Oops… Sorry. “Happy Holidays.” Don’t wanna upset those crazy, Christmas-hating liberals out there.