
Dispatch: Strickland ad is "unjustified"

Big Labor and the Democratic Governor’s Association is at it again.

They are now out with attack ad #3 against John Kasich.

The content within is so inaccurate that it caused the Dispatch to state:

the leap from Kasich arranging meetings for Lehman Brothers to Lehman losses hurting retirees is huge and unjustified, from the facts currently known.

In addition, it is not necessarily accurate to assert the state pension funds lost $480 million, only that the funds declined in value by that amount from 2007 to the end of 2008.

Considering the primary talking point in the ad connects Kasich to “Lehman losses hurting retirees”, that’s pretty damning.

When the NRSC came out with an ad that Rob Portman found unacceptable, he publicly denounced it.

Now that Big Labor and the DGA have come out with an ad so incredibly false, it’s up to Ted Strickland to man up do the same.

Or, as ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine states, is he chicken?

Ted Strickland boasts about having lived in a chicken shack growing up, and it looks like a bit of the chicken rubbed off on him. Unless the governor stands up, denounces this ad and calls on his union buddies to stop paying for it, he will forever be branded a coward in Ohio. He’s hiding behind friends and letting them lie on his behalf and it’s a disgusting way to act.

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