
Dropping $800k awfully early, eh Teddy?

A few weeks ago, Governor Strickland purchased a major ad buy, $500,000, to attack John Kasich.

Now it’s the DGA and teacher union’s turn. The two combined to spend at least $300k on a new ad that is set to begin airing this week under a puppet organization called Building a Stronger Ohio. The content is currently unknown, but I think it’s safe to say it won’t be puppy dogs and unicorns.

Unless those puppy dogs and unicorns are getting mutilated by John Kasich.

And that name, “Building a Stronger Ohio”, is interesting, ain’t it? You’d imagine a worthy incumbent Governor should be able to say “we built a stronger Ohio”. Instead it’s a work in progress.

Additionally, is anyone else surprised that an incumbent governor needs to spend at least $800k this far out? On top of it, there is word of another negative ad, this one coming from the state employee union, that’s also set to pop this week.

Pretty amazing. After nearly four years as Governor, him and his cronies still can’t find anything significantly positive that they’ve accomplished.

They can’t say they turned around Ohio.
They can’t say they fixed education.

Without question, those were the Governor’s top two promises, and he failed.

So when that happens, what do you do? You go negative.

I’ll try to let you know when one of their attacks is accurate, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

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