Public Official #14 has done it again. And he wants to bring Cuyahoga County style corruption to the governor’s office.
Recall earlier this year, when we told you about his fellow Democrats accusing him of corruption.
Fitzgerald was the Lakewood mayor at the time, and Plunderbund reported that a co-conspirator was given the job to manage the ice rink in exchange for a donation to Fitzgerald’s campaign fund.
Public Official 14. That’s how Ed Fitzgerald is described in the indictment of Jimmy Dimora. WKYC just reported that Fitzgerald admits he is PO14. Fitzgerald took a call from Jimmy Dimora on March 8, 2008, about helping indicted co-conspirator Bill Neiheiser gain a contract to manage the Lakewood ice rink Winterhurst.
Not in the online story, but reported on the air by Tom Beres in the 6pm newscast tonight, is the killer. Beres reported that a month later, Nieheiser gave Fitzgerald’s campaign account $250. By June, 2008, Neiheiser had the contract to manage Winterhurst.
Pay to play. Plain and simple.
Keep in mind, these stories were written by Democrats and published on a Democrat blog. As early as 2010, they didn’t trust Ed Fitzgerald to be Cuyahoga County Executive.
That was when Ed was mayor of Lakewood. Now that he in charge of Cuyahoga County, he wants Ohioans to believe that he cleaned up the corruption.
Good luck with that. Ed is running things pretty much the same way that Jimmy DiMora did.
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald collected a $1,000 political contribution from an investment banker one week after nominating him to serve on a board that reviews requests for economic development loans, records show.
The April donation from J.W. Sean Dorsey to FitzGerald’s campaign for governor is at odds with a county ethics policy that FitzGerald sharpened after taking office in 2011.
Simple mistake, right? Fitzy claims so and says he is returning the check. Well, of course he says that now. The donation was made 5 months ago. Looks like Ed is talking about returning the check now because he got caught.
We’ve already covered how Fitzgerald is lagging behind the pace when it comes to raising money. No wonder he didn’t want to return the check.
What’s more, Dorsey had never made a political donation to ANYONE before. At all. Isn’t it quite the coincidence that his first ever donation went to Ed Fitzgerald within a week of being appointed to his new job by…Ed Fitzgerald?
With all of the accusations coming from Ed Fitzgerald towards the governor and JobsOhio lately, this makes Fitzy a hypocrite of the highest order. He now has zero credibility to be making accusations of conflicts of interest.
Ed Fitzgerald didn’t clean up Cuyahoga County. The stench is still all over him. This is the best Ohio Democrats could do?