Have you ever done something so laughable that you became the butt of every joke among your friends? It isn’t fun, or at least, that’s what I’m told. Maybe I should ask Ed FitzGerald.
At this point, every voter in Ohio has heard about the Wreck of Edward FitzGerald, his late night rendezvous, his illegal driving habits, and his campaign packing it in, just months shy of the election.
It’s to the point now that Ed’s fellow Democrats in Cuyahoga County have joined the fun, and begun cracking jokes at the beleaguered candidate’s expense.
Andrew Tobias of the Northeast Ohio Media Group reports that during yesterday’s County Council hearing, Council President C. Ellen Connally, one of FitzGerald’s former Democratic allies, made a quip at FitzGerald’s expense. While planning for the interior design of the upcoming Hotel and Convention Center, she made a remark about the “room for the Irish Delegation,” referring to Joanne Grehan, the infamous “Woman in the car” from FitzGerald’s well publicized scandal.
Well played Ms. Connally.
Tobias goes on to retell how other members of Council even berated Councilman Pernel Jones “while joking about his poor parking job in the parking garage,” asking to see his driver’s license. That is, of course, assuming has one, an assumption not easily made these days when it comes to Democrats in office.
The woes if the FitzGerald campaign have come full circle, as even his friends back home have joined the raucous cajoling on his poor decision-making. I mean, at this point, the jokes are writing themselves. Why not join the fun, right?
Poor Ed FitzGerald has realized every candidate’s worst nightmare. His team has abandoned him, his hopes of winning all but disintegrated, and his friends back home digging into his antics. It’s enough to almost make me feel sorry for him… Almost.