
Ed Fitzgerald kept Cuyahoga’s credit downgrade a secret from his own council for weeks

Yesterday, we told you about the downgrade of Cuyahoga County’s credit rating by Standard and Poor’s.

Under Ed Fitzgerald, Cuyahoga County’s credit has been downgraded

CLEVELAND, Ohio — A major bond rating agency has downgraded its assessment of the Cuyahoga County government’s fiscal condition.

Standard & Poor’s on Oct. 11 announced it was lowering Cuyahoga County’s general obligation bonds down one notch on its rating scale.

The Fitzgerald administration learned about the downgrade on October 15, weeks before they informed the County Council.

Ed Fitzgerald kept his own council in the dark.


In September, Council complained about not being kept in the loop on the cost of a new county headquarters.

In July, it had started to get so bad that Council hired their own lawyer to oversee Fitzgerald’s headquarters project because they felt the administration wasn’t keeping them informed of the costs.

Council member Dave Greenspan wrote a letter to Fitzgerald questioning why he was not forthcoming to Council about the downgrade. Because Greenspan is a Republican, Fitzgerald’s office announced that they would not be responding to such a partisan “attack”.

“We will not be responding to partisan political attacks. We expect to receive a letter like that from Councilman Greenspan every other week for the next year,” (Spokesperson Emily) Lundgard said.

Fitzy must be losing it to give such a petulant and childish response. Asking the administration why they kept the downgrade a secret from Council, when there were 6 public meetings during the span, is not partisan. It’s a legitimate question.

Know who agrees? Democrat President of Council C. Ellen Connally.

“I don’t understand why that’s a ‘partisan political attack,’” Connally said. “The downgrading of the grading of the county is significant fiscal information. I join with Councilman Greenspan in asking why we were not informed.”

Maybe Ed was playing on Facebook during council meetings again and forgot to tell them.

This just goes to show how Ed Fitzgerald’s promises of cleaning up Cuyahoga County and transparency are nothing but a facade. This is the guy who wants to be in charge of the state.

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