If the pathetic size of the crowds at Ed FitsJervey‘s rallies today are any indication of what’s to come, Eddie’s headed for a miserable 18 months.
On the same day the liberal Toledo Blade said FigsGerbil may have “no business running for governor,” a meager few dozen (generous?) attended his rally in Hamilton County.
And Fintsgergin‘s special day didn’t get much better than that.
The Dispatch estimates his rallies in Cleveland and Columbus were attended by about 200 apiece. It looks particularly pathetic compared to the crowd at Kasich’s gubernatorial announcement.
Reporters have also noted that not only did Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson NOT show up for Ed’s campaign kickoff, he undercut FutsGureld by holding his OWN press conference at 2 p.m. Jackson wasn’t the only one who ditched out, apparently. Most of Cleveland’s all-Democrat city council wasn’t even there.
Maybe they read about Ed’s corrupt past on Plunderbund.