In July, we told you about how Cuyahoga County Council complained that County Executive Ed Fitzgerald wasn’t keeping them in the loop regarding the new county headquarters building. The situation got so bad, that they hired their own lawyer to monitor Ed’s project, because they obviously didn’t feel they could trust him.
The hiring of lawyer Jeff Appelbaum and his company, Project Management Consultants LLC, reflects the belief among some council members that FitzGerald’s administration is failing to report important details about plans and costs.
“This goes back to a systemic issue in Council of not feeling like we’re being included in the decision-making process,” said Councilman Dave Greenspan in a telephone interview this week.
You would think that that woud’ve been enough of a clue to Fitzy that he would begin to include Council on more decisions and make amends.
But that isn’t happening. Ed’s still keeping them in the dark. From Andrew Tobias of the Plain Dealer:
CLEVELAND, Ohio — When it comes to how much the ongoing project to relocate Cuyahoga County’s government headquarters will cost, county council members continue to feel like the administration is leaving them in the dark.
Earlier this week, council members were caught off guard by what appeared to be labelled (see document below) as an administration request for council to approve $2.5 million to pay to move county offices out of the current headquarters to temporary offices.
Council members had been told last month the move would cost $1.1 million.
A sticker-shocked Council President C. Ellen Connally threatened to put the request on ice by assigning it to a subcommittee. That would delay the funding request for at least two weeks.
Communication between the administration and the council over the headquarters construction project has been an ongoing issue.
For a county that Ed Fitzgerald has supposedly revived and cleaned up, there certainly seems to be a lot of transparency issues, corruption issues and internal squabbling going on, all while Ed ignores what’s going on during council meetings to play on Facebook.
If this is how Ed Fitzgerald arrogantly runs Cuyahoga County, and Ed’s own council members don’t trust him, why would Ohio voters want him to run the state?