Emily’s List, the political organization designed to promote pro-choice female candidates, has finally decided to stop ignoring Ohio and get involved.
After blowing off Jennifer Brunner for her entire Senate campaign, Emily’s List will be giving some cash to Paula Brooks.
EMILY’s List will endorse Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks’s campaign against Ohio Rep. Pat Tiberi today, lending Brooks a national fundraising base in one of the few races this year where Democrats have a real shot at knocking off a Republican incumbent. EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock will praise Brooks as a “common sense, hardworking leader with a commitment to fiscal responsibility,” and in a release the group will highlight Brooks’s work creating a program to fight online sexual predators who target children.
“As President of the Franklin County Commission, Paula worked tirelessly for her constituents and she will do the same in the House,” Shriock will say in a statement. “Paula knows how tough times are for the people of Ohio and that’s why she will work to create opportunities for economic growth and sustainable green jobs.” Brooks raised $280,464 in the first quarter of 2010 and reported having $497,456 in the bank in an April pre-primary finance report.
Wait. What?
She worked tirelessly for her constituents?
Well, apparently her consistuents consist entirely of union goons.
The Ohio Supreme Court said Franklin County commissioners abused their authority in 2008 when they rejected the low bidder for a painting contract in favor of one with a better record of paying union-scale wages.
Commissioners were wrong to reject the Painting Co.’s $770,079 bid for painting at the Huntington Park ball field for one that cost $261,000 more, the court said in its 5-2 ruling.
Then of course we have the recent Dispatch editorial that absolutely lambasted Brooks for placing the interests of big labor over those of her constituents.
Personally, I’m happy Emily’s List is investing itself in the 12th congressional district. After all, every dollar spent in that hopeless cause doesn’t go to some Democrat that actually has a chance to win.