Congressman Steve Stivers, who represents Ohio’s 15th district, took questions from us here at Third Base Politics, and answered them on video from Washington. Topics discussed include the Ryan budget, the debt ceiling debate, defense spending, Obamacare repeal and others.
Click the video to watch.
The Congressman’s answers are music to this conservative’s ears. Those of you fortunate readers in the 15th district are well represented. He and his GOP colleagues in the House are on the right track to getting our national fiscal policy back into one of sanity. Of course, President Obama and the Senate are standing in their way. We have a very good chance of capturing the Senate in 2012, and Obama will also be beatable. Be sure to get involved and support Steve or your district’s GOP candidate.
We thank Congressman Stivers and his Communications Director, Courtney, for reaching out to us. We’d love to do it again in the future. I’m sure our readers feel the same.