If you’re looking for any further evidence that Eddy Fitzgerald is unfit to run a paper route, let alone a state, look no further than the latest headlines coming out of Cuyahoga County:
CLEVELAND, Ohio — Cuyahoga County is blaming a vendor for failing to mail more than 108,000 property tax bills in time for residents who wished to pay before the end of the year and deduct the payments on their 2013 income taxes.
But the company’s president disputed the county’s assertions, saying the late arrival of electronically filed data from the county prevented his workers from printing and mailing bills in time for taxpayers to meet the Dec. 31 deadline…
“I just don’t think it mattered to [the county] if we received the bills before the 30th,” said Kimberly Yuhas, of Solon. Yuhas said she called the county treasurer’s office the morning of Dec. 31 after she noticed her bill never arrived. She was told her bill was supposed to have been mailed on Dec. 23, she said…
Dave Maschak, of Parma, said he learned he could access his bill online after reading a Dec. 22 article in The Plain Dealer that also appeared on cleveland.com, and was able to make his payment in time. But he also didn’t receive his paper bill until Dec. 31. He said his deduction is significant — about $1,600.
“I feel like the county left me to hang out to dry because if I was relying solely on them, I wouldn’t have been able to pay it in time,” Maschak said.
Residents of Eddy’s home county—an area that he should be winning nothing but favor—feel left hanging. Eddy’s mismanagement of these tax bills could potentially cost Cuyahoga County residents tens of thousands of dollars in 2013 income tax deductions.
And he wants to run the state?
Eddy’s in over his head, and this is just the latest example. He’s unfit to run the office he currently holds.
Then again, what do you expect from a guy who’s “race for Governor is not about building a party, or about raising up a state – it is, instead, about Ed.”