
Fitz-Neuhardt Goes Full-On Disingenuous With Latest Campaign Messaging

The corrupt Cuyahoga County Facebook addict better known as Public Official 14 spent the weekend introducing Ohio to his most recent choice of runningmates, Dayton-area lawyer and abortion advocate Sharen Neuhardt:

Kind of ironic that a man that cares so much about the spelling of his name can’t get the spelling right for his runningmate.  I would have thought he’d misspell Newhart first…

Poor social media skills aside, Ohio Democrats have been actively defending the choice as a refocusing of the campaign on “women’s issues” and not just pro-abortion.  Unfortunately for them, Democrat leaders’ actions speak much louder than their words.

The state’s most influential Democrat elected official is an accused perpetrator of domestic violence.  It’s easy to talk about violence against women, but it’s completely disingenuous to then go and violently lay hands on a woman.  This is simply a non-starter with me—if you abuse a woman, you will never, ever get my vote.

The nation’s most influential Democrat elected official pays his female staff $0.87 for every $1.00 he pays his male staff.  It’s kind of hard for Ohio Democrats to wave the “equal pay” banner when our nation’s Democrat president refuses to pay women equally to men in his own administration.

And under the Obama economy, women are settling for mediocre (at best) jobs, if they can find work at all.

When the actions of elected Democrats run contrary to their rhetoric, it’s hard to take them seriously on the women’s issues.  And anyone with a political pulse knows that’s not the direction the Fitz campaign is headed when he chooses someone like Neuhardt.  Just take a look at the media coverage:

“A twice-failed candidate for Congress known as a staunch defender of abortion rights, Neuhardt replaces State Sen. Eric Kearney…” – The Cleveland Plain Dealer

“The selection of abortion-rights activist Sharen Neuhardt as Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed FitzGerald’s new running mate…” – The Columbus Dispatch

“…Ed FitzGerald has chosen Yellow Springs attorney Sharen Neuhardt as his running mate, likely hoping to leverage her abortion-rights advocacy background.” – The Cincinnati Enquirer

“Ed FitzGerald on Friday picked a Dayton-area lawyer and abortion-rights advocate as his running mate…” – The Toledo Blade

Make no mistake about it: the Fitz-Neuhardt campaign, like every other Democrat in the state, does not care about women’s issues—they care about abortion.  This is a campaign without ideas, and they’re going all out to promote the ability to terminate a pregnancy.

Given the record of elected Democrats on womens’ issues, it’s their only talking point.  And any suggestion to the contrary is disingenuous.

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