We keep thinking that Ed Fitzgerald’s campaign team sink any lower.
They keep proving us wrong.
Brent Larkin wrote a column this morning in the Plain Dealer that criticizes the Ohio Democratic Party for abandoning Ed Fitzgerald in order to salvage their down-ticket races.
With one of the most lopsided election losses in Ohio history just two months off, it’s difficult to imagine Democrats doing anything to make their plight any worse.
Don’t sell them short.
Instead of attempting to keep FitzGerald competitive, part of the new Democratic strategy will be to shift resources to election contests for other state offices – attorney general, auditor, secretary of state, and treasurer.
Even Sen. Sherrod Brown has tossed FitzGerald overboard, telling the Dayton Daily News his efforts will “be aimed at the four others on the ticket,” Democrats he described as “about the best group of four candidates that I’ve seen in my 30-plus years in this state in politics.”
Note Brown’s math. He can count to five, but chose to stop at four.
Be sure to read Larkin’s entire column.
However, the Fitzgerald campaign’s response to Larkin certainly qualifies as “making their plight any worse”.
Ed Fitzgerald’s campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt actually threatened Larkin with prank phone calls and encouraged her followers to do so.
Brent Larkin risks some serious prank phone calls by including his number at the end of those columns #InternProject
— Lauren Hitt (@LaurHitt) August 29, 2014
Her tweet was also endorsed by Chip Shannon, Fitzgerald’s new campaign manager, and Meredith Tucker from the ODP.
Notice the suggestion of how they would put their interns to work making the calls. Last week they put out the call for college students to come work for free for their dumpster fire campaign. This is the experience they are offering?
I’m sure those down ticket candidates they are trying to salvage, like Connie Pillich and John P. Carney really appreciate the top of their ticket making things worse with their unprofessional threats to harass any of Ohio’s journalists who speak the truth about their candidates.