
Gettin’ Screwy in St. Louis!

3BP Liveblogs the VP Debate!

8:54 – Friday morning headline prediction: Conservatives fall in love all over again with Sarah Palin

8:56 – I hope we’ll be able to see Palin behind the podium.

8:58 – “Stand up, Gwen! Oh….broken ankle? God love ya!”

8:59 – I think they keep adjusting the angles of the podiums. Eventually the candidates will just be facing eachother.

9:00 – Ok, Gwen…so the audience isn’t allowed to cheer…what about you?

9:01 – “Can I call you ‘Joe’?” Damn, I love that woman.

9:02 – Joe starts things off and he’s discussing the bailooouuuuuZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ….

9:03 – Sarah looking right into the camera. Perfect. Exactly how you connect. Clinton always did that very effectively.

9:04 – Joe already has the ‘oh shit’ look.

9:06 – Ok, did they drug Joe? wtf?

9:06 – Ok, maybe he’s drunk.

9:07 – Sarah just winked at me.

9:08 – Gwen, you little stinker.

9:09 – After Sarah’s answer on the subprime question I sorta feel bad about what I owe on my credit card.

9:11 – Joe seems to have the Tim Kaine weird-eye thing.

9:12 – Good turnaround by Joe on the tax question.

9:13 – Palin grabs that turnaround and slams it right in Joe’s frickin’ FACE! GAAAHHH!!!

9:14 – Here comes the tax increase question. Palin needs to nail him for the ‘paying taxes is patriotic’ comment.

9:16 – POW!!! Atta girl.

9:17 – GREAT explanation of the health care plan.

9:18 – Annnnd a good knock by Biden. Way to demogogue, Joe!

9:19 – Sarah seems to do a LOT of writing during Joe’s responses.


9:21 – First time Sarah was ‘stumped’. And very well managed.

9:23 – Seems to me Joe has had a few more opportunities to follow-up than Palin.

9:24 – Ooo. Bringing up the windfall profit tax. Palin better get a chance to respond or that is a big Biden win.

9:25 – Orrrrrrrrr not.

9:26 – Biden is owning the bailout portion of the debate. Palin needs a topic change.

9:27 – Can we make this whole debate about energy? She’s perfect on this.


9:29 – Say ‘impact’ again, Sarah.

9:30 – Biden brings up coal. Sarah can nail him for his comment in PA re: “no more coal plants.”

9:33 – meh…she sorta got it.

9:34 – Hey look! Another Biden follow-up!

9:37 – Foreign policy. Keep your fingers crossed, America.

9:39 – “I didn’t hear a plan.” Now we should ask him what happened to his plan to split up Iraq into religion based provinces.

9:40 – Talibani?

9:41 – Biden’s “what the fuck is this” look makes America want to dropkick him.

9:42 – Hope Sarah was prepped for the “McCain voted against funding” line.

9:43 – Does anyone really believe McCain was wrong on the surge?

9:44 – I’m pretty sure Sarah is writing me love notes.

9:45 – WoT in Iraq was coined by Petraus! BLAMMO!

9:46 – Sarah was ready for Foreign Policy. Well….so far.

9:47 – Will someone please smack that crappy smile off Biden’s face?

9:49 – She’s ready on Israel. One story coming out of this debate will be about how well prepared she was.

9:50 – No one in the Senate has been a better friend to Israel than Biden. Um. Joe Lieberman may disagree.

9:53 – Ooo. Biden is getting pissy. CAREFUL, AMERICA! HE’S GONNA BLOW!

9:54 – Oh wait, maybe he’s just punch-drunk.

9:55 – Say “George Bush’s” again. Just try it.

9:56 – Oooook yeah she wasn’t ready on the Nuke question.

9:57 – There is no way in hell Joe Biden can chew meat with those teeth. They are flatter than my girlfriend in 8th grade.

9:59 – HOLY CRAP! Where did that Afghanistan follow-up answer come from? YEAH SARAH! Biden just had his best ‘duhhhh’ moment.

10:00 – Bosniacs? LOL!!!11ELEVENTY!!!1!!!

10:01 – Uh oh. Sarah is smiling during Joe’s answer. MUUUAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!

10:02 – Nice talk about being an outsider, Sarah….and key that you came back to talk about Darfur. Don’t want Gwen asking you to actually answer the question.

10:04 – GEORGE BUSH’S!!!!!

10:05 – Sorry.

10:06 – Solid answer by Joe on the ‘heartbeat from the Presidency’ question.


10:08 – Sarah being Sarah wins over female voters. No question.

10:09 – And Biden is an asshole.

10:10 – SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE! There…we’ve got our soundbite of the debate.

10:11 – Sarah knocking NCLB will REALLY help with chicks….er…women.

10:12 – Sarah has won. It’s over.

10:14 – Biden likes touching himself.

10:15 – Ew. Sorry.

10:16 – The most dangerous VP in history? Show some respect, dillweed.

10:17 – Some folks may knock Sarah for her point about the power of the VP.

10:18 – Wtf? The “what’s your weakness” question? Seriously? That question was lame even when I was getting interviewed to work at Wendy’s in high school.

10:19 – My excessive passion? Laughably lame.

10:20 – Biden: “I’m much better off than you.”

10:21 – Getting choked up? Oh come ON!

10:22 – Biden’s flailing.

10:23 – And now he’s talking about Bork and chairing the judiciarrrrrzzzzzzZZZZZZZ….

10:24 – Sarah: “I caved.” D’oh!

10:25 – It’s past Joe’s bedtime.

10:28 – Shocker. Joe is gonna get the last word.

10:29 – Sarah knocking the MSM. Atta girl.

10:30 – SaaaaaaaaaaLUTE!

10:31 – Annnnnnnnd America turns off their TV.

10:32 – Here comes what really matters. The coverage from the MSM.

Thanks to everyone for following along. I’m confident my headline prediction that I started off with will hold true. Palin proved she could handle the big stage. No major gaffes from either candidate. No knockout blows.

Clearly a Palin win.


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