Lis Smith was the communications director for the Strickland 2010 campaign. Having done such a great job there, she now is the communications director for the Democratic Governors Association.
As director, she is in charge of the DGA website. So you have to wonder why she is touting the virtues of Republican governors on their website. Check out the page here. Since I’m sure it will be scrubbed soon, here is the screen shot.
What Lis posted is an article from the St. Petersburg Times. The headline reads “In Orlando, Republican governors tout can-do reform efforts.” And its right there on the DGA website. What else will people browsing the DGA find out about Republican governors?
But turn your attention away from Washington and you’ll see plenty of bold leadership in America’s state capitals: drastic spending cuts leading to balanced budgets, slashed public employee pensions and education reform measures bucking powerful teacher unions.
Maybe if Lis didn’t spend most of her day being sarcastic about Republicans on Twitter, she might have a website, and a strategy, that promotes the Democrats she is supposed to be helping. Or maybe she is just really really excited that she was quoted in a newspaper!
But who are we to argue? Hey, thanks Lis! Thank you very much for posting good press for the opponents of the people who pay you.
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