
Governor Envy, Part 4257

It’s Chris Christie. Again.

This guy is a star.

Governor Christie on Tuesday told a borough teacher to find another job if she did not feel she was compensated enough as he defended his state budget cuts and promoted a plan to cap annual growth in property tax collections.


But borough teacher Rita Wilson, a Kearny resident, argued that if she were paid $3 an hour for the 30 children in her class, she’d be earning $83,000, and she makes nothing near that.

“You’re getting more than that if you include the cost of your benefits,” Christie interrupted.

When Wilson, who has a master’s degree, said she was not being compensated for her education and experience, Christie said:

“Well, you know then that you don’t have to do it.” Some in the audience applauded.

It’s amazing how strange it feels to have a public servant speak so plainly. I haven’t really seen it since, to be honest, John Kasich back when he was budget chairman in the U.S. House.

But, as I believe I’ve mentioned before, Christie provides a great opportunity in politics – a test case for the plainspeaking public servant.

Voters always plead for a straight shooting elected official, but it always seems that those that play politics win out.

Well, here’s our true test case. Can someone like Christie stay popular and win re-election in 3 and a half years?

For those that want to see more of this in politics, Chris Christie is an incredibly important politician. He needs to maintain popularity and win in order to show others with similar styles and leadership capabilities that it’s possible to win – that they don’t have to compromise themselves in order to be successful in politics.

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