You may have noticed we have been running some ads on the blog for a couple months now. If you’re wondering, if wouldn’t even pay your monthly cable bill, so I’m keeping my day job. Anyway, I’ve decided that I’m going to use most of that revenue to donate to Josh Mandel’s campaign. So I’d like to take a rare moment to encourage you to visit our sponsors webpages and see what they have to offer.
Now, Google’s Adsense ads, like the one below our lost of contributors, don’t bring in a lot of money, unless they are clicked on. So, please, check them out. If you are like me, many of these ads that get displayed are for Democrat and liberal candidates and causes. If you see those, you definitely want to click and educate yourself on what the opposition is doing. When you do that from our site, it will literally be like taking a dollar out of a Democrat’s campaign chest and putting it in Josh Mandel’s. Do it often.
You should also donate your own funds to Josh’s campaign, of course, so we can fund the airing of good ads like this: