Yep. We’re still a couple years away from the 2012 primaries heating up, but as we all know, that doesn’t stop the jockeying for position from starting on 1/21/09.
One of the potential candidates who has been working hard to become the default candidate of the Party is Mitt Romney. Now, many already know I’m less than a fan of Mitt. I find his knack for political opportunism to be several levels above my tolerance level. With that said, I wanted to post this youtube I found over the weekend. It’s Mitt Romney speaking about his feelings on the Contract with America back in 1994.
Not only does this video highlight Mitt’s complete inability to understand the electorate and what was important to them in ’94…and now, it highlights his RINOism.
Mitt, winning and losing does matter in Washington. While everyone would love hugs, puppy dogs, jelly beans and bipartisanship, it doesn’t always get what’s best for the greater good.
In this age of Tea Parties and a conservative base that is ever more vigilant against an establishment they deem unprincipled, it disappoints me that Mitt continues to perform well in polls of Republicans and their choices for the 2012 nominee.
Now, I’ll recognize that Mitt has indeed changed his spots to suit his national ambitions, and it is likely that he would govern more conservatively than he has implied in the past.
But would he do so with principle? His political history exemplifies a man without what our national leaders require….backbone. When all the chips are on the table, I’m simply not confident that Mitt would stick to the “convictions” that he now presents to the public as his belief system.