
I have Governor Envy.

The Indy Star has a fascinating look at what it’s like to have a Governor with vision and leadership:

The overriding question before Indiana now is how to respond amid the storm.

House Speaker Pat Bauer argues that the state should spend money to create jobs, in part by tapping into a $500 million trust fund to pay for bridge construction.

Daniels, as he did again Tuesday night, favors a more conservative approach, one that centers on preparing the state to capitalize on growth once the economy eventually rebounds.

Under Bauer, the state would borrow against its future in an attempt to alleviate today’s problems. Under Daniels, the prescription is to suffer through some pain today in order to be in a better position to capitalize on opportunities in the years ahead. In short, pay the bills, cut where necessary, don’t raid the trust fund and don’t raise taxes that will slow economic growth in the future.

That’s not exactly the boldest course for a risk-taker. But it is one that offers the best hope for positioning the state to one day sail out of roiled waters at a steady clip.

I want.

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