It said Ted Strickland hires pimps.
Sorry for the lack of posting today. Real life called. But I’m back with a story a friend reminded me about that I first caught wind of this weekend while on vacation.
His attorneys tried to suppress a search warrant of his home and tried to get his indictment dismissed on a technicality. But in the end, former state director Robert E. McFadden admitted yesterday to pimping a 17-year-old prostitute on the Internet.
McFadden, the former director of Gov. Ted Strickland’s Faith-Based and Community Initiative, pleaded guilty to two felony counts after police said he put nude photographs of the girl on a Web site to promote prostitution.
Now, this story goes on to highlight(if that’s the right word for this situation) McFadden’s criminal situation, but very little about his time with the Governor.
Thanks to a google cache courtesy of Newsbusters, we see an aspect of the story that wasn’t included in the above linked version.
Note that the “for years” was removed from the story as currently seen on the Dispatch website. Newsbusters can take it from here….
Including “for years” in the print and surviving web report might have given readers the absolutely correct impression that McFadden was conducting his illegal business while still a state employee at the Ohio Department of Corrections (from October 2007 – March 2008), and before that, during his time as Strickland’s personally appointed faith-based Director (from February – August 2007). “For years,” going back from the time of McFadden’s January 2009 arrest, would put him in the business beginning in early 2007 at the very latest.
On top of this we have the Brunner family having trouble paying taxes.
Before that it was Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern’s wife gaining financially from the video slots deal.
Last month it was a Strickland appointee resigning after yet another arrest for alcohol.
Before that was a Strickland appointee misusing her office to investigate Joe the Plumber.
Or what about Marc Dann and his buddies trying to cover just about every ethics violation out there?
Pimps, tax cheats, perverts, alcoholics, corruption.
And it was Republicans who Ohioans punished in 2006 for improperly buying a few coins?
If that’s the case, then Democrats may want to watch their back in 2010.
h/t: Writer