
If I’m going down, I’m taking y’all with me.

Or so I imagine that’s what was running through Jennifer Brunner’s head during her endorsement interview in front of the Youngstown Vindicator’s editorial board.

The highlight of the story that appeared yesterday on the Vindicator website was the following quote from Ohio’s Secretary of State and Senatorial hopeful:

“When I was running for secretary of state [in 2006] I didn’t have problems raising money,” she said. “But when you’re in a primary right after a huge recession and you’ve got someone on the other side [Fisher] who’s been raising money for 30 years and quit his job as director of development and has the time on his hands to make the negative calls to shut down your funding, yeah, it’s tough. Somebody shouldn’t win that way.”

It’s one thing to believe your opponent is working the system against you, it’s something completely different to publicly accuse the Lieutenant Governor of such.

Apparently Brunner is so upset at the Democratic establishment that she figures if she’s going down, she’s gonna try to bring the whole Party down with her.

It screams of desperation. And you can’t blame her.

She’s right. The ODP has worked to ensure Brunner doesn’t get the funding she needs to run a credible race. And because of that, her only hope is to create enough earned media opportunities that she can build up some kind of following.

So what can we expect? Brunner to speak with even more fireworks and do whatever she can to create an “us vs. the world, everyone loves the underdog, hey look at me” kinda campaign.

Will it work? No.

But it sure will be fun to watch.

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