But it’s going to get better, right? How much worse can it get?
Well, don’t worry. Strickland is hard at work creating new jobs for…Kentucky.
Wait, what? Yep, today we learned that DHL, a company that employs 1,000 people in the 12,000 person town of Wilmington, is moving to the Cincy/Kentucky airport (for the non-Buckeyes out there, the airport is located in Northern Kentucky). Mind you, they had only been in Wilmington since 2005, but apparently there is something about Ohio that makes it an unattractive place to maintain their business.
Gov. Strickland seems to think his so-called promise not to raise taxes on Ohioans is enough. Well, when you have the 4th worst business tax climate in the country, that isn’t enough. And he hasn’t done one thing during his term in office to fix it.
You want jobs back in the Buckeye State, Ohioans? Vote Gov. Strickland out of office.