Sometimes, real life stories are so ridiculous that they couldn’t be made up.
Meet Heather Zimmer from Elyria. Yesterday, she called police after she couldn’t find her son. She was discovered sleeping outside in the middle of the night by a neighbor, passed out from drinking and possibly heroin use, as well. From the Elyria Chronicle:
Heather Zimmer, 26, called police at 5:25 a.m. Thursday to report that her 1-year-old child was missing, and said she didn’t have any idea of where he would be. Zimmer told police that she woke up at a Quincy Avenue home and realized that her child was gone after “blacking out” from drinking, according to a police report.
Police spoke with a witness, Heather Trembly, who told police Zimmer was drinking during the evening, and she had her child, who was in the stroller. Trembly told police that she believed Zimmer was under the influence of heroin, too.
Thankfully, the child was safe. Zimmer had taken him to an old high school classmate, who she hadn’t seen in ten years, and said she would be right back. She apparently went on her binge and never returned.
What’s ironic is that even though she apparently cares so little for her own child, she put a lot of attention and energy into bringing attention to a person she has never met. She organized a rally for Trayvon Martin after George Zimmarman was acquitted.
ELYRIA — A local woman outraged by the not-guilty verdict handed down by a Florida jury in the Trayvon Martin case is organizing a local rally.
Heather Zimmer, 26, of Elyria said she has looked to no avail for a local rally in response to the verdict, but could not find one in the county.
Zimmer has a 2-year-old son and said she can’t imagine losing her son in a similar situation.
That last line should have most people shaking their heads.
Zimmer should probably focus more on being a good mother to her own son, instead of being a rabble-rousing race-monger. If you are pawning your 2-year old child off on someone you haven’t seen in ten years so that you can go get wasted, maybe organizing rallies that do nothing shouldn’t be the first thing on your list of priorities. The boy certainly has my prayers and sympathies. Let’s hope his mom gets her act together.