It seems much of the talk over the course of the Olympics will be focused on who the hell will be the Vice Presidential nominee for each Party. Well, over the weekend a story was released and highlighted on Mark Halperin’s blog talking about the announcement that Hillary has been given her own night at the Convention.
According to the DNC, Michelle Obama will highlight Monday, HRC on Tuesday and the VP pick on Wednesday. This means Tuesday, the night traditionally reserved for a keynote speaker(it was Obama in 2004), has been surrendered by the Obama campaign. That’s how much power Clinton still maintains. I’d imagine this was part of some deal between the two camps in order to make HRC back off her consideration of asking her delegates to put her name into contention “so their voices can be heard”.
What this also means is that Hillary Clinton won’t be the Vice Presidential nominee for Barack Obama. The DNC would never feel so confident as to release a schedule like this without final coordination with the Obama campaign. Remember, the two organizations are seemingly one in the same.
So the question now becomes, when will Obama announce Evan Bayh as his running mate?
UPDATE: Well it seems the Dems have named Mark Warner to be the keynote speaker. Clearly they are trying to send a signal that VA is important to Obama’s efforts. Unfortunately for them no one will give a rat’s ass about Warner as every eye is going to be on Hillary.