
It’s the jobs, stupid.

John Kasich recognizes that.

Ted Strickland doesn’t.

And the Cincy Enquirer took notice.

Boy, I wonder which matters more to the voters of a state with an 11% unemployment rate.

And Kasich hammers the message home in the article.

In Ohio, Kasich said, “we have to find out what are problems are along those lines and deal with it. But to tell you the truth, I am interested right now in only three things – one, creating an environment where jobs can grow; two, creating an environment where jobs can grow, and – can you guess what number three is? Creating an environment in Ohio where jobs can grow.”

Speaking to the Enquirer after the event, Kasich said he is not surprised Strickland is talking more about Lehman Brothers than his own record.

“If the state has lost 427,000 jobs on your watch, you have to ask exactly what it is that you are doing,” Kasich said. “The governor is the CEO of the state. The CEO has to accept responsibility.”

Kasich is finishing up his 3-day bus tour today. Check out the update from John posted yesterday on their blog.

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