So, VP Joe Biden is coming to Ohio again this week. According to the White House, he is only coming to speak to students at Gahanna Lincoln High School.
Vice President Joe Biden will visit Gahanna Lincoln High School on Thursday afternoon to talk about college affordability with high-school students and their parents, officials said.
Biden, accompanied by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, will speak at noon during a town hall-style meeting at one of the high school’s gymnasiums, said Michael Straughter, spokesman for the Gahanna-Jefferson school district.
GLHS just happens to be the alma mater of yours truly, so its pretty exciting to see my old high school get a visit from a sitting Vice President. I might even say that it’s a “big f-ing deal”, but for the fact that Joe Biden is such a buffoon, that even Barack Obama must wish that he had chosen someone else to be his “foreign policy expert”.
However, what is not being reported is Biden’s other appointment on Thursday. The White House doesn’t want you to know, but Third Base Politics has learned that Biden will attend a private fundraiser in downtown Columbus that same evening. It will also be interesting to see if Sherrod Brown makes himself scarce like he did when Obama came to Ohio last week. Maybe he will hide from Joe in the same steakhouse that he hid out in last Wednesday.
So, enjoy the visit, Golden Lions. But don’t think that Joe came to see you. He’s just stopping by to campaign on the way to his real reason for flying to Columbus.