Evidence that Democrats don’t give a crap about the massive debt crisis this county has, part #324.
Remember the deal to cut $38 billion in spending from the FY 2011 budget? A cut of about 1% of total federal spending? Well, some of the spending hogs in Congress still think cutting even 1% is too much, including my representative, Marcy Kaptur, and Cleveland Congresswoman Marcia Fudge.
Former Dayton congressman and U.N. World Food Program Ambassador Tony Hall has been fasting since March 28 to protest proposed House of Representatives budget cuts that he says would disproportionately harm the poor.
Twenty-eight Democratic members of Congress, including Marcia Fudge of Warrensville Heights and Marcy Kaptur of Toledo, have agreed to join Hall in fasting for a day between now and Easter.
“I’m proud to stand with my colleagues here today, joining in this fast,” said Marcy Kaptur. “I fasted yesterday. I’m very proud of my colleagues.”
Unbelievable. What has to happen before people like this realize that we can’t keep writing checks for TRILLIONS that we don’t have? Maybe when our credit gets downgraded, they will see the light!
Oh wait…