Another major Ohio company has decided to stay in Ohio after considering offers from multiple other states. Diebold, known most for making ATM machines, has several locations in the Akron/Canton area, but will now build a new world headquarters and consolidate most of those locations and employees.
Diebold today will announce plans to build a $100 million corporate campus and global headquarters in the Akron/Canton region. The company, based in Green, confirmed the deal Monday but would not say where it might build.
Diebold employs 1,900 people at five sites in Summit and Stark counties and 16,000 worldwide. It said it considered moving to North Carolina or Virginia, and at least one of those states made an offer before Ohio officials offered their own “compelling” package, the company said.
The state is offering $56 million in incentives for Diebold to remain in Ohio. This has some on the extreme left upset. Some folks actually sound angry that Diebold is keeping their 1900 jobs and building a new $100 million headquarters in Ohio. Check out some of these comments.
So they generated 2 something billion in 2010. The state gives them 56 lion in tax breaks. Corporate welfare at its finest. Can we elect someone in the next presidential race who is going to end this kinda and tax this knuckleheads like they should be getting taxed. You want to take your toys and leave town then fine here is a hefty bill. It make them think twice about pulling a stunt like this.
Idiotic. Why would a company leaving Ohio have to pay a “hefty bill”? Other liberals are claiming, like they did about American Greetings, that Diebold wasn’t going to leave.
The Canton Repository has new information about today’s Diebold announcement. One is that the move very likely will cost the City of Canton significant losses in municipal income tax receipts.
The second throws even further doubt if they were ever serious about moving out of Ohio in the first place:
The company told then-Governor Ted Strickland’s administration that “it was our strong preference not to leave.”
Wishful thinking. Of course it was their preference to stay. But sometimes you have to do whats best for your company. And Diebold did receive a serious package of incentives from another state. Consider being offered a job in another state making significantly more than you make now. You’d probably prefer to stay where you are, but it also might be better for your family to take the offer.
What they are really upset about, is that this happened under John Kasich’s administration. They do not want any victories for him whatsoever, so they will attempt to discredit every one of them. They even suggest that Diebold got an offer from another state just to blackmail Ohio, and that they were never really going to leave. Because, you know, major companies just don’t leave Ohio for other states, do they? It just doesn’t happen, right liberals?
Which brings me to the eerie irony in this story. Guess who is Diebold’s major competitor. NCR. The same NCR that used to have its headquarters here in Ohio. They moved to Georgia for greener pastures in 2009 during the “Turnaround” Ted Strickland administration.
The governor said he wanted to avoid a repeat of the situation where Diebold competitor NCR moved its headquarters from Dayton to Georgia in 2009 due in part to tax incentives offered by that state.
“We lost NCR because we weren’t even in the ball game. People were asleep at the wheel. We could not allow that to happen again,” Kasich said.
“If you don’t have an incentive package that works, if somebody else is outbidding you, you’re going to lose,” said Kasich, who added that North Carolina could offer the enticement of its Research Triangle, which includes top technology companies and universities. “When their main competitor has moved from this area or moved from the state of Ohio to Georgia, Diebold can’t afford to have a higher cost structure.”
Let’s compare the two approaches. First, Ted Strickland. He basically hoped Diebold wouldn’t move, and not much else.
Jacobsen said Diebold officials told the administration of then-governor Ted Strickland that the company was considering moving, but the company and the state could not agree on a package of incentives.
Now, John Kasich:
Kasich said a week after he was elected in November, he called Swidarski and said, “we’re going to do everything we can to keep you.”
The governor even offered to address Diebold’s board and make his pitch in person.
“Whatever you want me to do,” he said.
This past election was clearly about jobs. So, now we have a governor who is aggressively seeking and retaining high-paying jobs, instead of letting 400,000 of them disappear…and the left is complaining about it. If he did NOT give them incentives to stay, and they left like NCR did, can you imagine what they would be saying then? These people are so disingenuous. Unreal.