The governor wants to increase use of a valuable tool we have in Ohio to help people find jobs.
The state has a unique relationship with, but Governor Kasich doesn’t think enough has been done to make jobseekers and employers aware of this tool.
The “tool” in this case is an employment clearinghouse website,, which is the fruit of a partnership between state government and that is entering its fourth year.
Ohio’s relationship with employment search engine is made possible through a $2.5 million payment per year from the state to Monster using federal funds. In return, all employers in Ohio can post job openings and review all resumes in Monster’s database at no cost.
Kasich said that only about 2,000 of Ohio’s 200,000 employers have signed up to be members of the site…
So, yesterday, Kasich started a campaign to increase awareness about the site, including a relationship between the Federation of Independent Businesses in an attempt to get more Ohio small businesses using the site.
“This idea that you build it and they’ll come is nonsense,” Kasich said. “The situation here is, Ohio has the most unique relationship with Monster in the country. … It was good that the state created this relationship, but the state has done nothing at all to promote this relationship.”
Kasich’s administration is changing that. Again, this administration immediately started working on a “jobs” agenda. The work they’ve done recently with Monster since taking office is no exception.
Lee Ramsayer, a senior vice president with Monster Government Solutions based in Washington who was at yesterday’s event, said his company’s relationship with Ohio is unique in the U.S.
He also said Monster’s interaction with Ohio and the Kasich administration “in the last three months has probably equaled that of the last three years.”
How long before Ted Strickland’s people come out and start calling him a liar?