This week’s polls from Quinnipiac University were a tale of two extremes. They found that Governor Kasich’s approval has reached a new high, while President Downgrade’s has hit the lowest point of his presidency in Ohio.
First, let’s look at their findings on Kasich.
- His job approval is up to 54% with only 32% disapproving, for a net +22% rating. Even a third of Democrats approve and the governor is +10% with women.
- What age group approves of Kasich’s performance the most? This is shocking. Ohio’s youngest voters. 18-29 year olds approve by 63-21!
- Despite some in the tea party throwing a temper tantrum because he isn’t adhering 100% to their agenda, his approval among Ohio’s Republicans has climbed yet again to its highest level, 81-8.
- Four times as many Ohioans say the economy is getting better rather than worse. Democrats agree by a margin of 39-13. The economy is the #1 concern of voters. When 39% of Democrats say its getting better, how does Ed Fitsgerold convince enough people that its time to make a change?
- When asked whether the budget surplus should be returned to taxpayers as a tax cut or used to increase local government spending, 55% of voters want a tax cut. Even 40% of Democrats prefer the tax cut.
All in all, pretty bad news for Ed Fitzgerlad. Heck, as Jake mention a couple days ago, he is so unimpressive that even Quinnipiac referred to him as “Fitzpatrick”. Note also they don’t capitalize the “G” in his name. If they aren’t careful, Ed might take to Facebook during a council meeting and “unlike” them.
The good news is that Ohioans are finally beginning to see just how corrupt and incompetent he is.
The bad news is that it’s a few months too late.
A year ago, Ohioans approve of Obama’s job performance by 2%, 48-46.
Now? He’s at 40-57 for a -17% gap. A 19% drop in a year. Ouch.
In November, Ohioans were fooled and said that Obama is honest and trustworthy by a 20% margin, 57-37. Today, 52% of Ohio voters say that Obama is NOT honest and trustworthy.
It’s too bad that it took the revelation of all the recent scandals to convince Ohioans of the truth.
One more nugget from Quinnipiac that is very bad news for Ed Fitzgerald on who is responsible for Ohio’s improving economy:
“Ohio voters think their economy is getting better and they credit Mr. Kasich more than they credit President Barack Obama for that brightening economic environment.”
Please, Ed. Tell Ohio voters more about how they should change governors next year.