Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse for Ed FitzGerªld and his tax cheat runningmate Eric Kearney, the Columbus Dispatch comes out with this:
The media company owned by Sen. Eric H. Kearney, the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, and his wife that piled up more than $825,000 in unpaid taxes and penalties also did not pay its Bureau of Workers’ Compensation premiums for nearly five years, a Dispatch analysis of BWC records shows.
During that same period, the Kearneys appear to have personally contributed thousands of dollars to various political campaigns, according to federal and state campaign-finance records.
The KGL Media Group, the company owned by the Kearneys that publishes the Cincinnati Herald and other community news sources, failed to make its semiannual payment to the BWC numerous times since 1996.
The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation was set up to protect injured workers—middle class Ohioans that are hurt on the job—and Kearney was delinquent in paying his premiums. Isn’t it Ohio Democrats that claim to be champions of the middle class and the average working man? Then why are they embracing Kearney as their potential #2?
Eric Kearney has about $1 million in unpaid taxes AND failed to make payments to the agency set up to protect injured workers. His unpaid taxes alone amount to a debt roughly equal to 23 times the median family income in Ohio. And now it’s revealed he couldn’t be bothered to pay his premiums for insurance for injured workers?!
Not to mention, during that same time period, Kearney and his wife were able to funnel thousands of dollars in to political campaign contributions. That sends a huge message about Kearney’s priorities—priorities that FitzGerald seems to agree with:
I’d say this is laughable if it wasn’t so sad. Ed FitzGera£d’s announcement that Kearney would join his ticket has gone from a blundering overreaction to a grassroots nightmare to an IRS problem to a full blown tax fiasco to a question of whether Kearney should step down to a credit card lawsuit to a resounding choir of nonpartisan voices asking Kearney to be taken off the ticket.
And now revelations that Kearney prioritized political contributions over his workers’ compensation premiums.
This is the best that Ohio Democrats could do? A lying, tax cheat who puts politics ahead of middle class workers and a runningmate who’s A-OK with it all?!
That’s who Ohio Democrats want running the state?
If Ed FitzGérald was one-tenth of the FBI agent he claims to be, he would be absolutely disgusted with the circus surrounding his campaign, kick Kearney off the ticket and fire his campaign manager. The longer Fitzy waits, the more disenchanted voters & donors will become. And that’s if the bad news stops today.
But something tells me this story isn’t over…