Remember when we told you this?
Folks, we first told you about the Ohio Republican Party’s proposed new rule last week. Today, they met and narrowly approved the rule.
The rule itself is an outrage, because of the timing of it. To change the rules of the game after candidates have already filed, and voting has already begun, was bad enough.
What makes it even worse than that? They violated their own bylaws to do it. I believe that GOHP Blog was the first to report on this, and they did an excellent job explaining it.
Given that DeWine gave notice of the meeting, that means that a majority of the 66-member body must have voted in the affirmative. That’s 34 votes.
DeWine only got 29.
DeWine declared the amendment passed, even though he didn’t get the majority of members. We told you it was bogus.
Today, DeWine admitted we were right.
In one of his final acts as Ohio Republican chairman, Kevin DeWine announced that a controversial rule change approved at the GOP central committee’s February meeting was considered invalid by the party’s legal counsel.
DeWine followed through and stepped down today. Bob Bennett took over as interim chairman and will provide an experienced hand through this important election season.
The bogus rule caused at least one SCC candidate that I know of to drop out of the race. It was illegal all along. We told you so.