
Lee went to Canada? You hoser.

When the suggestion was first made by a NRSC press release, I didn’t believe Lee Fisher actually went up to Canada for a fundraiser with trial lawyers.

I mean, I know being down 9-1 in cash on hand makes one desperate, but this takes things to another level.

Fisher already abandoned Ohio once when he quit as Director of Development to run for Senate. Hell, even Obama didn’t resign his office as U.S. Senator until after he won the election.

But now the Lieutenant Governor is once again abandoning his responsibilities to Ohio to go hob knob with trial lawyers in the Great White North?

Remember what Fisher’s campaign said earlier this year?

“I believe that voters, not special interest groups, should decide elections…”

If going to frickin’ Canada to take money from Trial Lawyers isn’t considered cozying up to special interests, I don’t know what is.

But it doesn’t end there.

Fisher’s campaign went so far as to make a crack about Ohio job losses in a weak effort to sneak in an attack against Rob Portman.

“Lee was in Canada to see first-hand the jobs created by Congressman Portman after he spent 20 years in Washington supporting tax breaks for companies to ship Ohio jobs (out of the country),” Collins added, joking that Fisher also plans to visit China, India and Mexico.

First off, Mr. Collins, your joke sucks.

Second, highlighting Ohio job losses first and foremost damages incumbents and those in charge of jobs. And Lee was the jobs czar. In other words, Mr. Collins, your tactic is stupid.

Third, Lee Fisher and Ted Strickland actually bragged about trade relationships with other countries earlier in their term. Maybe Mr. Collins forgot about that, so here’s a screen shot to help him remember.

And yes, Rob Portman was the Trade Representative for President Bush.

Now what particularly amazes me about the above screen cap is that despite Ohio’s massive jobs crisis that began in 2008, the state was still able to export products at a high level.

My goodness. It’s almost as if trade conditions were of such a state that Ohio was able to overcome its economic deficiencies to maintain positive trade relationships with other nations. Thanks, Mr. Portman!

Finally, there was some footage of Mr. Fisher up in Canada. It’s hard to tell which one is him.

I think it’s the guy on the right.

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