A couple of days ago, Jake posted about how the folks over at Plunderbund took to Twitter to criticize Governor Kasich’s comments in Cleveland and suggested he was to blame to for the murder of three women in East Cleveland by alleged killed Michael Madison. He lamented that, once again, the left used a tragedy to mount a political attack.
But at the root of it all, it’s really just sad that some people would choose to use Governor Kasich’s remarks on the tragic murder of three women in Northeast Ohio to move the political needle.
There are just some things more important than politics.
Now, they’ve actually written an entire post expounding on the same thing. Jake showed that not even the East Cleveland mayor and city council are blaming the governor for police layoffs. They are blaming each other. PB’s response to that?
Let me try to explain this to ThirdBasePolitics as slowly as I can. The fact that the Mayor and City Council of East Cleveland are too busy pointing fingers at each other over that city’s deficit instead of at Kasich does NOT “prove” that we lied in claiming that the State’s funding cuts was a cause to the deficit. That’s just moronic. If you could establish that the city did not, in fact, receive any cuts, then we can talk.
OK. Let’s talk.
By accessing the state records, you can see that in 2010, when Ted Strickland was still governor, the city of East Cleveland received $1.129 million from the state of Ohio. See pages 286 and 287.
How much did they receive in 2012? On pages 282 thru 284 in the 2012 report, it shows that the state sent East Cleveland $1.174 million dollars.
So, let me try to explain this to “ModernEsquire” as slowly as I can. $1.174 million is… MORE …than $1.129 million. Are you with me? East Cleveland did not receive any cuts in state funds.
But, by all means, guys, keep blaming the governor for Madison’s murders.
They also keep suggesting that Madison wouldn’t have killed the women if Ohio spent more money on mental health services, and even bemoan that a planned mental clinic wasn’t built. Riiight. I’m sure he would’ve checked himself right in.
As far as Kasich’s remarks go, there is no doubt that poverty drives crime. Anyone who denies so isn’t being serious. Whether it played a role in Madison’s crimes we will never know. But Kasich’s message was about lessening poverty by creating more jobs. Jumping to criticize that message was in poor taste, and that’s what Jake’s post was all about.
There are always going to be psychopaths and serial killers among us who commit horrific crimes. Seeking to turn those tragedies into somebody else’s fault, other than the actual perpetrators, is a cheap political distraction.