Visit any liberal Ohio-based political website today, and its amazing to see how many attacks are aimed at Governor Kasich over the new budget proposal.
These people are not stupid. They know, of course, that Ohio’s budget is required to be balanced. Don’t they?
Here’s what I would like to hear from them. Where are your ideas?
Let’s say Ted Strickland won last November. Let’s pretend he’s still governor. Ok, liberals? Close your eyes… Put yourself in your warm, happy place, and imagine Ted Strickland is still governor. Are you there? I see you smiling. Good. Now, remember this:
So, how would he have done it, smarties?
Kasich didn’t get the stimulus money that fell into Ted’s lap, but kept the basic state funding of K-12 education the same. Where would you get the money to make up the difference?
You’re decrying the cuts to local governments. What would Ted Strickland have done differently?
There isn’t a cut in this budget that you haven’t represented as the veritable end of the state’s existence. So…what would Ted have cut?
Because if you don’t like the cuts, you’re going to have to raise taxes, libs. Now, I know some of you like that idea. But you are the same people that are also attacking Kasich saying that he violated his no tax pledge because its just going to cause local governments to raise taxes.
So please, by all means, show us how Turnaround Ted would have done it.
I’d like to see one of these libs be intellectually HONEST and say, “Well, Ted Strickland would have had to make cuts too.”
But we won’t. Because its all about the attack. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, here’s a clue.
John Kasich isn’t afraid of your attacks, your polls, your unions or your threats. He’s moving forward to get this state working again. It’s been a long time since we had a governor with a PLAN, and who wasn’t too timid and too tied to union special interests to move forward.
I’d stay out of the way if I were you.
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