Last night was a strange night on Twitter.
And it all started with a simple observation by yours truly.
It’s true. At that point Lis Smith, the spokeswoman for Governor Ted Strickland, had tweeted four negative stories about Kasich out of her past five tweets. You’d think a spokeswoman would have something good to say about her boss, but her obsession with negativity seems to win out.
Some time after my tweet, Scott Milburn, Kasich’s communications director, “retweeted” or forwarded, my tweet, along with a simple “Hmmm…” as a comment.
This apparently confused Lis Smith.
In response to Scott, she tweeted…
Well, first off Lis, those were my words, not Scott’s. And second, I’m surprised you believe people who block aren’t “grown men”.
Why? Because going back to July of 2009, Governor Strickland had blocked me. Apparently he isn’t a grown man, either. Of course, I guess his jello eating contests against 8-year olds confirmed that awhile ago.
But it didn’t stop there. She kept pushing it.
Apparently, Ted Strickland has a glass jaw too since he continued to block me in October of 2009.
Ladies & gentlemen, this woman is supposed to be the voice of the Governor of Ohio. She’s supposed to be the person that helps convince Ohioans that Ted Strickland is the mature voice that is capable of Turning around Ohio. Or something.
So, I continued to call Lis out on twitter for questioning the manhood of Milburn for blocking a rival campaign’s spokesman on twitter, when her boss did the same thing to some lowly blogger.
And yet, despite all of her antics, at 9:31pm last night I was still blocked.
But that all ended at approximately 12:15am this morning. Apparently, Lis realized her mistake and quickly contacted whomever manages the Governor’s twitter account in an effort to unblock me before I posted anything about it here on 3BP. But as you can see above, too little too late.
And now, after trying one more time early this morning, I am now able to follow Governor Strickland.
Now, is any of this stuff a big deal? Is it a gamechanger in the campaign?
Of course not! But it’s an example of just how strange our foe on the left can be.
Somehow, despite how unimportant this issue was, Smith, after all that she said, still thought it was a big enough deal to try to cover for her boss and pretend he never blocked me. Me. A blogger. In his pajamas.
She’s paid for this, people.
Rather than focusing on developing the right message for Ohioans, she’s lowering the tone of the debate and trying to prevent herself from eating her own words.
And we had fun watching her do it.