
Marco Rubio to lay out his energy platform in Ohio next week

Senator Marco Rubio will return to Ohio on Friday, October 16th.

This visit will not be just another campaign rally, however. The center-right presidential candidate will speak about his vision for the future of America’s energy policy. This is why he chose Salem, Ohio, which is in the heart of Ohio’s Utica and Marcellus shale region.

This will be the 4th public event that Rubio has held in Ohio since announcing his run for the presidency. He has been steadily rising in the polls since the last GOP debate and is currently ranked fourth in the RCP poll average at 9.9%. Of the candidates who are current or former elected officials, he is #1, ahead of Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and John Kasich.

Thanks to Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel and his staff for bringing Marco back to the Buckeye State.

The event is free but registration is required. You can register by clicking this link.

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