Governor Sarah Palin won’t be coming to live closer to me anytime soon.
In other words, she isn’t running for the Alaskan Senate seat against Lisa Murkowski.
Many seemed to think after the election that moving into the elder body of the U.S. Congress would be the best move for her — providing a chance to develop and show off the foreign policy chops some think harmed her in ’08.
I disagree. She should maintain her role, building her reputation as a successful executive in the face of a tough political atmosphere — quietly establishing her record so there is no question of positive results as Governor come 2012. She can satisfy the national conservative base by feeding them one of the red meat issues they crave — energy.
“Drill baby, drill” has vanished from our nomenclature since the last campaign season. It resonated for a reason, and engaged conservatives haven’t detached from energy as a major issue simply because gas prices aren’t $4 a gallon. Palin, just as before, has the moral high ground to speak directly towards the net benefits of increased drilling. If she can develop a unique and viable policy towards increased use of nuclear power, she can show her chops as a policy wonk, enthuse the conservative base and most importantly, do the right thing.
Finally, and not to be overlooked, the last poll taken in Alaska showed higher favoribility ratings for Murkowski than Palin. If the Governor wants to continue her career in politics, she obviously can’t risk losing a Senate race.
It’s a shame. I suppose I’ll have to admire from afar.
:bats eyelashes: