
MYTH-BUSTED: Ohio Black Democrat State Rep Endorses Trump

“Not only am I Black, I am a proud American and delighted to endorse President Trump for re-election,” Kent wrote.

Mere hours before President Donald Trump took Joe Biden to the cleaners at the presidential debate held in Cleveland, an African-American state lawmaker bucked the radicals in her party and thanked Trump for the work he’s done to lift up all Americans, including Blacks.

Throughout Trump’s term as president, poverty rates have fallen and household incomes have climbed, proving that he’s been fighting for America. Unless one is paid to do so, it’s impossible to ignore how things for Americans, so it’s great that state Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent (D–Columbus) is saying what everyone knows to be true: America is becoming great again, thanks to Trump.

“We all recognize that gainful employment and economic development is the best deterrent against violence and social unrest, so I want to thank President Trump for his commitment to ensuring the success of the Black community in every way,” Kent wrote on September 29 before greeting Trump in Cleveland.

Kent noted Trump’s willingness to work with all Americans to promote prosperity and freedom, contrasting it with Biden’s divisive and nasty rhetoric.

“No matter what my feelings are towards the Democrat Party, one thing is crystal clear: my values truly align with President Donald J. Trump’s willingness to work with those of differing opinions and perspectives more so than with Joe Biden’s divisive rhetoric, promotion of mass incarceration, and disrespectful, insensitive ideologies that substantiates his infamous comment ‘…if you’re still deciding between me and Trump, then you ain’t Black…’ during an interview on a popular African-American radio program earlier this year.”

In the letter, Kent proudly noted her intentions to vote for keeping America great in 2020 by voting for Trump.

“Not only am I Black, I am a proud American and delighted to endorse President Trump for re-election,” Kent wrote. “Furthermore, I am honored to share with people my intent to vote for him and spread the word on the value of his leadership and his dedication to the American people.”

For every Bernadine Kennedy Kent who stands up and speaks up about what she knows to be true, there must be many more who aren’t public about their recognition of what Trump is doing for America but plan to pull the lever for the good guys on Election Day. We hope that number is a resounding majority, and that Americans put their party loyalty aside and work together as Trump and Kent hope we can do.

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