Today the New American Economy, a coalition of politicians and businessmen from across the political spectrum, launched a steering committee for the newly formed Ohio Chapter. The New American Economy group is focused on immigration reform; including securing the nation’s borders, updating and upgrading our visa program, and fixing and streamlining our immigration program. The Ohio initiative is joined by over a dozen other efforts in other states leading into the new Trump Administration.
The Ohio New American Economy Chapter will be lead by two prominent Ohio businessmen; Ray Leach of JumpStart Inc and Tom Demaline of Willoway Nurseries. Ray Leach’s group is a venture development nonprofit organization in the Cleveland area, while Tom Demaline’s Willoway Nurseries is a large growing operation located in several central Ohio counties. Both of these men bring specific areas of expertise on immigration to New American Economy; for example Mr. Demaline has taken an active role previously in immigration reform over the past two decades.
The United State’s immigration system’s current issues were shown as a central issue to the 2016 Presidential race. Prior to the election a Forbes survey showed that 70% of voters listed immigration as a very important issue to their vote. The New American Economy’s goals of reforming the nation’s immigration system, modernizing the visa program, and securing the border itself is a reflection of what voters showed was their top priority this year.