
No one cares what Ted thinks.

A few months ago, the Strickland campaign began their “Ask Ted” feature on their website.

Ted Strickland would record answers to questions supposedly asked by everyday Ohioans and post them on youtube.

Sadly, there haven’t been any new videos since May 10th.


Well, probably because the “Ask Ted” video with the most views, on Urban Revival, has a grand total of 137 views as of the writing of this post.


And it was even posted on the main “Ask Ted” page on Strickland’s website. In other words, to only get 137 views requires some serious apathy.

Now don’t get me wrong. Considering how few people actually view the videos, I don’t blame the Strickland campaign for discontinuing “Ask Ted”.

I just imagine they feel bad considering Kasich’s team could probably videotape their candidate sneezing and it would get more views than a featured video on Ted Strickland’s website.

The enthusiasm gap widens.

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