For months “We Are Ohio” and their union allies have boasted about their thousands of ‘volunteers’. It’s the basis of their claim to being a grassroots group. But these unions have always had a funny definition of the word ‘volunteer’. Their army of ‘volunteers’ are actually people paid for their time. They previously spent nearly one million dollars on signature gathering, and with the election drawing to a close they have a new way to pay for people’s time.
Take a Walk – Get a Turkey!
Yes, AFSCME Council 8 members can get a $25 grocery gift card for 3 hours of their “volunteered” time this weekend. Like most of their so-called grassroots these “volunteers” will be bought and paid for with union money. And what an appropriate symbol this union found for its giveaway. For a union that depends on workers’ union dues paid for by taxpayers the symbol of a fattened and stuffed bird seems all too appropriate.
These unions fear Issue 2 because it hurts their bottom line. Allowing employees to opt out of union dues will take money out of their pockets, and a merit pay system could increase the number of employees who opt out. For a superior teacher or policeman who is compensated on their individual value the idea of paying dues to a union might lose its appeal. Union bosses are well aware of this, and its why they are fighting against Issue 2 so vehemently.
The unions have spent millions fighting to keep Ohioans in the dark on Issue 2, and this “Get a Turkey” giveaway is just the latest example of how they will spare no expense fighting to maintain an unsustainable status quo. It’s easy to understand why they don’t want reform. After all, fueling their efforts on the taxpayer dime makes every day Thanksgiving for AFSCME and other government unions.
And that’s what they hope to keep by giving away turkeys.