The Olympics have begun. We’re now in an interesting time in the Presidential campaign. Without question, we are going to witness a slowdown in coverage of the race as coverage of the Olympics increases. Afterall, there is only so much space on a newspaper and minutes in a news broadcast. Obama is even going on vacation, but that doesn’t mean he’ll shut up.
[sarcasm]Take a moment to grieve.[/sarcasm]
So now we get to see how the public responds to this slowdown. Political hacks will still be scouring the blogs and newspapers for any bit of information, but more often than not we’ll just be getting scraps from the campaigns as they realize any major announcements just aren’t worth doing.
But that doesn’t mean political analysts and bloggers necessarily WANT to slow down. People like me, and then the ones that actually make a serious effort at this stuff, need material. That means this should be a particularly tenuous time for campaign staff as they relax juuuusssst a bit, but realize that any small miscue will be made a much bigger deal in the blogosphere and set the tone as each Party heads into their Conventions.
The moral of the story? Campaign staff, stay on top of your game. Don’t play the part of the Hessians getting run over by Washington’s army after crossing the Delaware on a quiet Christmas Eve.