In 2008, the Louisiana Scholarship Program was created to allow low income students in New Orleans the option of transferring out of failing schools. Four years later it was expanded to the rest of the state.
Ninety one percent of the 5,000 vouchers issued in 2012 went to minority students. But, last year the Justice Department filed a lawsuit to prevent some students from getting these vouchers claiming that some of are interfering with the desegregation process. The Obama Administration wants to strip school choice decisions from minority families under the guise of helping minorities
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is a strong advocate for school choice and accused President Obama and Eric Holder of forcing students to stay in failing schools.
The Louisiana program survived the legal assault from the Justice Department and remains intact. Poor Louisiana families will still be able to have the option of transferring their children out of underperforming schools.
The Justice Department is now claiming the school choice program in Wisconsin is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act even though there have been no complaints that the law has been broken.
President Obama has been obstructing parents from making educational decisions for their children for some time now.
The Opportunity Scholarship Program in Washingon, DC offers vouchers for children of low income families to attend private schools. Even though the President’s daughters attend private schools, he doesn’t believe DC families of lower means should have that same opportunity.
Anyone who knows his way around a balance sheet can point out that this clearly is a losing situation not only for the families but for the government and taxpayers as well. President Obama is siding with teachers unions and attempting to trap children of struggling families in failing schools.