So Barack Obama came to Ohio today. Again. In fact, he came to my part of the state here in Lorain County. (My dogs are OK, don’t worry.) But instead of coming to promote his ridiculous “Buffet Tax”, which will not create a single job or make even a fraction of a dent in the deficit, he should be coming to learn about how Ohio is leading the nation in job creation since John Kasich became governor.
You see, John Kasich inherited a budget disaster from his predecessor. But instead of whining and complaining, he assembled a team and they got to work addressing the $8 billion hole that Ted Strickland and a Democrat-controlled House left him. He did it without gimmicks and patches and one-time “stimulus” funds that were supposed to create jobs, not prop up irresponsible government spending.
What about Obama’s budget? It was such a joke that it couldn’t even get a single DEMOCRAT vote in the House. Not. ONE. And his Democrat pals like Sherrod Brown who control the Senate refuse to even produce a budget. In fact, it has been over 3 years since they did so, even though they are required by federal law to do so.
The President talked about jobs? OK, lets look at Kasich’s record there, too. Along with real pro-job policies such as revamping our Department of Development, the results of Governor Kasich’s leadership have been impressive. In the past year, Ohio is 4th in the nation in job creation and first in the Midwest. In the previous four years before Gov. Kasich came into office? 48th.
Look at other states with much higher populations for comparison. Florida dwarfs us in population. So they should be much higher in the number of new jobs, too, right? Wrong. In fact, Florida has created fewer new jobs, even though their population is 65% greater. They are 5th in the nation.
In February alone, Ohio created more jobs than any state in the nation. More than huge states like Texas. Try to find the last that that happened.
From January 2009 when Obama took office until John Kasich’s inauguration in Janary 2011, Ohio lost 141,985 jobs. But since then we’ve gained over 83,000. Under Barack Obama, the US credit rating was downgraded by S&P. But under Governor Kasich and his responsible budget, S&P upgraded Ohio’s credit outlook.
I really wish the President would heed my advice and look to Ohio as a model of how to fix the problems we have as a nation. Instead, he comes and continues to talk about raising taxes. Let’s hope Ohio chooses to change the way we do business in the White House in 2012, just like we decided to change the way did business in Ohio in 2010.